We separated into groups of 4. Together we started to research idea"s to cover our news package. We came up with the idea"s
such as ,
*student life
Then we all agreed to focus on the Alcohol and the involvement of student and health.
We did some primary research between ourselves with the topic of alcohol.
Also we did some research about the harm of alcohol and about effects and damages alcohol do to human health.
Alcohol harm.
1-weight problems
2-difficulty in sleeping
4-memory loss
This is the moment after having alcohol that how its harms human body and make human less power of moving and thinking and gives a really bad headache and then you will have difficulty in sleeping as well and you will have less memory.
I did some research on alcohol and viewed certain websites
1-accident and injuries
2-liver disease
3-sexual difficulty
4-heart disease
For cancer prevention, we recommend not to drink alcohol at all. However, we recognise that modest amounts of alcohol may have a protective effect on heart disease. But the benefits of small amounts of alcohol only outweigh the risk in those particularly at risk of heart disease, such as men aged over 40 or postmenopausal women.
Other Medical Consequences of Alcoholism
Studies show that alcoholics have a worse outcome after undergoing surgical procedures. The reasons for this are not entirely clear. Poorer outcomes may be attributed to a poorer general state of health with malnutrition and the depressant effects of alcohol. Binge drinking (consuming large amounts of alcohol infrequently, such as on weekends) places one at risk for atrial fibrillation which may also be a factor in surviving surgery. Still another factor is that heavy drinking affects the body's ability to stop bleeding. A liver damaged by alcohol has trouble making clotting proteins.
Alcohol interacts with many drugs - both prescription and non-prescription. Mixing alcohol with your medicine can lead to serious untoward effects.
Alcoholism increases risk of cancers, including breast cancer, lung cancer and cancer of the liver.
Long-term heavy use of alcohol destroys the cerebellum of the brain, causing irreversible brain damage and resulting in slowed thinking, an unsteady walk and slurred speech.
Alcoholism contributes to many diseases, including hepatitis, cirrhosis, malnutrition, pancreatitis, stomach ulcer, fetal alcohol syndrome and heart disease, just to name a few.
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Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy
- weakened by chronic excessive alcohol intake.
(photos courtesy of Health Edco. Used by permission)
- weakened by chronic excessive alcohol intake.
(photos courtesy of Health Edco. Used by permission)
and this photo we can give as an for example that maybe a driver was drunk and then had accident and this is how alcohol is effect humans life and making damage to our lives.
The photos I viewed certain websites
The largest single cause of death due to drinking was from alcoholic liver disease which caused 3,874 deaths in 2005, followed by intentional self harm which killed 1,694 and then throat cancer which cased 1,280 deaths.
More than 600 women died of breast cancer caused by their drinking and over 1,000 men died of mouth cancers in one year, according to the research.
Taking a large dose of alcohol can cause memory loss, so you might not even remember what you said or why. Long-term use of alcohol is known to cause many physical illnesses including liver damage, stomach cancer and heart disease. Alcohol is estimated to cause 28,000 excess deaths per year in England and Wales.(181) 2,000,000 deaths per year worldwide.
What is alcohol poisoning?
Acute alcohol poisoning is usually a result of binge drinking. Your body can process about one unit of alcohol an hour. If you drink a lot in a short space of time, the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream (blood alcohol concentration or BAC) may become dangerously high.
This can stop your body from working properly. In extreme cases, alcohol poisoningcould stop you breathing, your heart could stop beating or you could choke on your own vomit.
Many of the traditional ‘cures’ for alcohol poisoning – giving someone black coffee, making them sick, leaving them to sleep it off – can do more harm than good. By recognising the signs of alcohol poisoning and knowing how to respond, you could save someone’s life.
binge drinking PSA commercial
This can stop your body from working properly. In extreme cases, alcohol poisoningcould stop you breathing, your heart could stop beating or you could choke on your own vomit.
Many of the traditional ‘cures’ for alcohol poisoning – giving someone black coffee, making them sick, leaving them to sleep it off – can do more harm than good. By recognising the signs of alcohol poisoning and knowing how to respond, you could save someone’s life.
Viewed to certain website for the above video
Alcohol poisoning: Facts and figures
- Alcohol is a depressant, which means it slows down your brain’s functions. You might lose your inhibitions and your sense of balance. But it also affects the nerves that control your heartbeat, breathing and gag reflex (which is what stops you choking).
- Alcohol irritates the stomach, which causes vomiting – dangerous if somebody’s gag reflex isn’t working properly. People die from choking or accidentally inhaling vomit into their lungs.
- Someone’s BAC continues to rise even after they’ve stopped drinking, as alcohol in the digestive system will continue to be absorbed into the bloodstream. This means you should never leave someone to ‘sleep it off’, as their condition could still be getting worse.
- There is no minimum dose for acute alcohol poisoning to take effect – it depends on your age, sex, size, weight, how fast you’ve been drinking, how much you’ve eaten, your general health, other drugs you might have taken…
- More than 30,000 people were admitted to hospital with alcohol poisoning in England in 2007-08 (13,400 men and 16,700 women) – that’s more than 500 every week.(1)
- 157 people died from accidental alcohol poisoning in England in 2007.(2)
The below photo is example of slow down brain"s functions
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Viewed certain websites for those photo above.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1904&bih=885&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi#q=alcohol+poisoning&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&tbm=isch&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=efeee612a93f86d6&biw=1659&bih=834
Possible question:
1-Do you drink or smoke?
2-When did you first start?
3-What was the reason for starting?
4-how long have you been doing this?
4-How often do you drink/smoke?
5-How much do you spend weekly on this?
6-Are you aware of the risk?
7-Are you planning on quitting?
Structure :
Opening scene can be cut away of someone lighting a cigaret whilst the reporter introduces the subject.
Have snipits of people being interviewed about smoking then a cut away to people walking in/out a local pub.
Snip it of a two shot between reporter and student being interviewed.
Outward zoom from a pub/bar sign to a student mid shot.
Reporter talking about the issues of smoking/drinking (health, costs, damages, littering)
Close up of a pain then have someone to pick it up and start drinking whilst 4-5 second zoom out to a long shot.
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