Wednesday, 1 May 2013



In today lesson we was shown some video clip by tutor which can help us about our project title sequences. However, firstly we watched few of them clips and I found it interesting and helpful. After watching the clips Myself, Ashley, Luke and Kas we went to film the contestants from Manchester Superstar which we filmed them in the past few days, this will help us to log into our 90 hours industrial experiences module.
 Moreover, after we finished filming the Manchester superstar contestants I went back to the class and start importing my footage from Saturday which I filmed for my project (The success of an artist), also as a part of today lesson we had to show our filming footage and plan of production week work to the tutor so after importing it I show it to my tutor (Peter).
In addition, I saved as a back up all of my footages that I filmed in past few weeks for my project into my hard drive in case of any problem in my laptop then to have it as a back up saved. Also I have decided to contact my friend this week and to discus about title sequence which I will use for my project, as it will be two different title sequence, one will be from Mr. Amang and other one will be done by my friend who is really good of creating title sequences and promised me to help me for that and then I will choose one of them which is better for using. 

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